Thursday, May 26, 2011

Men in White Suits

One has to be extremely confident or extremely stupid to wear a white suit. Both actually can be combined come to think of it which will put off any reasonable man as he would not wish to be classified as that, confident and dumb. A man in a white suit is somewhat of a mystery to women as it immediately draws attention, but you don't really know why. Is it because its different ? Is it because its clean and you wonder how on earth does a man keep the front part of it clean ? (My Dad is known to come home after lunches or dinners outside with a whole history of what he ate on the front of his shirt.) Is it because it breathes summer, and sunshine, and warmth, and a slight touch of decadence as I believe Hemingway was known to wear white suits all the time. So was Mark Twain, winter and summer and for all occassions. I struggle to think who wears a white suit nowadays, apart from Hollywood stars on red carpet events. Most of us have settled for the moderate grey or sand colours. Something that is likely to stain less given the practical attitude of the average man in this day and age.
And I understand why an average man wouldn't want to wear one to be honest. Just watched another episode of the infamous Come Dine with Me in Exeter. The one male contestant, dull as dishwater and thick as a brick, kept turning up in white or pink (!) suits to impress the fellow female competitors. Did anybody fall for it ? NO! Because a dumbass such as himself cannot possibly carry off a garment as striking as that. You have to carry it off as some sort of a weapon, as it oozes power, sex, money, selfishness, and for that you need a few working braincells. Which he lacked. But he didnt lack confidence through his own ignorance, so he wore the suit. By doing so, immediately giving the wrong image to the future wearers of THE white suit. Which is a shame. Because it is beautiful. But perceived completely incorrectly in present times. I want Hemingway, I want Mark Twain, I want the exotic, quirky, sharpwitted man to walk the streets of today in a sparkling white suit and bear it with pride.

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